
If you wish to add publications to this list, please contact Jane Engel ( to help keep this publications list, and the corresponding EndNote library, synchronized. Thank you!

Miller, D. C., Kress J. D., Mebane D. S., Sun X., Storlie C. B., Sundaresan S., et al. (2015).  Multi-scale modeling of carbon capture systems. IEAGHG Post-Combustion Capture Conference.
Miller, D. C., Kress J. D., Mebane D. S., Sun X., Storlie C. B., Sundaresan S., et al. (2015).  Multi-scale modeling of carbon capture systems. International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas (IEAGHG) 3rd Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC3).
Li, K., & Mebane D. S. (2014).  A Mechanism for Diffusion of CO2 in Silica-Supported Amine Sorbents. American Chemical Society National Meeting.
Mebane, D. S., K. Bhat S., Storlie C. B., Mahapatra P., & Kress J. D. (2014).  Upscaling Uncertainty to a Carbon Capture System Using Dynamic Discrepancy. 12th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-12.
K. Bhat, S., Moore L., Wendelberger J., Kress J. D., & Mebane D. S. (2012).  Uncertainty Quantification in the Carbon Capture Simulation Initiative. Industry-National Laboratory Workshop on Modeling and Simulation.