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Search results for biblio_year:2013
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Miller DC.  2015.  Accelerating the identification, development and scale up of carbon capture technologies through advanced modeling. TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Expo.
Cozad A, Sahinidis N, Miller DC.  2015.  A combined first-principles and data-driven approach to model building. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 73:116–127.
Chen Y, Grossmann IE, Miller DC.  2015.  Computational Strategies for Large-Scale MILP Transshipment Models for Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 82:68-83.
Omell B, Bhattacharyya D, Miller DC, Ma J, Mahapatra P, Zitney SE.  2015.  Dynamic Modeling and Control of an Integrated Solid Sorbent Based CO2 Capture Process. 58th Annual ISA POWID Symposium.
Yu M, Miller DC, Biegler LT.  2015.  Dynamic Reduced Order Models for Simulating Bubbling Fluidized Bed Adsorbers. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 54:6959-6974.
Miller DC, Eslick JC, Boverhof J, Leek J, Tong C, Chen Y, Ng B, Ou J, Sahinidis N.  2015.  FOQUS: A Framework for Optimization and Quantification of Uncertainty. AspenTech OPTIMIZE 2015 Conference.
Morgan JC, Chinen AS, Omell B, Bhattacharyya D, Tong CH, Miller DC, Weeldon J, Buschle B., Lucquiaud M..  2015.  Modeling of MEA-Based CO2 Capture Process with Uncertainty Quantification and Validation with Steady-State and Dynamic Data from Pilot Plant. International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas (IEAGHG) 3rd Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC3).
Miller DC, Kress JD, Mebane DS, Sun X, Storlie CB, Sundaresan S, Bhattacharyya D, Sahinidis N, Eslick JC, Tong C et al..  2015.  Multi-scale modeling of carbon capture systems. IEAGHG Post-Combustion Capture Conference.
Miller DC, Kress JD, Mebane DS, Sun X, Storlie CB, Sundaresan S, Bhattacharyya D, Sahinidis NV, Eslick JC, Tong CH et al..  2015.  Multi-scale modeling of carbon capture systems. International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas (IEAGHG) 3rd Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC3).
Gao Q, Miller DC.  2015.  Optimizaion of Amine-Based Solid Sorbent Chemistry for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture. International Pittsburgh Coal Conference.
Eslick JC, Tong C, Ng B, Lee A, Dowling AW, Mebane DS, Chen Y, Miller DC.  2015.  Optimization Under Uncertainty with Rigorous Process Models. AIChE Annual Meeting.
Chinen AS, Morgan JC, Omell B, Bhattacharyya D, Miller DC, Wheeldon J.  2015.  Predictive Dynamic Model of a Carbon Capture System: Pilot Scale Validation at National Carbon Capture Center. Carbon Management Technology Conference 2015.
Ajayi O, Miller DC, Omell B, Bhattacharyya D.  2015.  Simulation and Evaluation of Heat Recovery Exchangers for Solid Sorbent Carbon Capture Systems. International Pittsburgh Coal Conference.
Chen Y, Eslick JC, Grossmann IE, Miller DC.  2015.  Simultaneous process optimization and heat integration based on rigorous process simulations. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 81:180-199.
Morgan JC, Chinen AS, Omell B, Bhattacharyya D, Tong C, Miller DC, Wheeldon J, Buschle B, Lucquiand M.  2015.  Thermodynamic Modeling of MEA-based CO2 Capture Process with Uncertainty Quantification and Validation with Steady-State Data from a Pilot Plant. AIChE Annual Meeting.
Morgan JC, Bhattacharyya D, Tong C, Miller DC.  2015.  Uncertainty Quantification of Property Models: Methodology and Its Application to CO2-Loaded Aqueous MEA Solutions. AIChE Journal. 61:1822-1839.
Miller DC, Sun X, Storlie CB, Bhattacharyya D.  2015.  Using Advanced Modeling to Accelerate the Scale-Up of Carbon Capture Technologies. Power Engineering. 119
